Expansion and enhancement of the existing public access facility will encourage paddling, boating, fishing and passive recreation along the Buffalo River waterfront.A. Debris Deflect – two floating deflectors will be installed to help dampen wave forces, as well as deflect floating debris and flowing ice away from the shoreline and boat launch.B. North Path – to provide pedestrian connections to Ohio Street and the Shoreline Trail that evokes the former rail line.C. Boat Launch – the improved boat launch will feature carry-in, car-top fishing boat access and paddlecraft launching with timber guiderails.D. Central Dropoff – new vehicular and pedestrian traffic pattern will allow for more efficient hand launching.E. Wheelchair Accessible Fishing Pier – A pedestrian promenade/walkway and fixed pier overlook platform will provide universal access to the river.F. Parking – upgrades to parking area pavements and pathways to allow for improved access.Partners include: Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, Buffalo Billion, Empire State Development, Anchor QEA, Watts Architecture & Engineering and Edgewater Resources.