- Join the Buffalo River Stewardship Series – Join Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, Erie County, and the Buffalo River Remedial Advisory Committee for this virtual event, The History of Stewardship on the Buffalo River. We need community stewards to help us to look after the Buffalo River. Join us for a series of stewardship events – learn about emerging threats to the river and the ways that you can help! Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vpAtd-yuqzgiuPxI90zKwHPl5HHk3-gy1g
- Practice Leave No Trace: Whether walking in a local park, or in your neighborhood, you can be a steward by practicing “leave no trace”! Learn more here: https://lnt.org/
- Visit the Natural Habitat Parks: Stay local and try visiting one of the Erie County Natural Habitat Parks! These parks are located along the Buffalo River and provide very important habitat for wildlife. Find the Erie County Park closest to you! https://erieny.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=73e8eb59099b4f518be63066bb8a9919
- Appreciate Wildlife: Viewing wildlife is a great solo activity. Share your wildlife sightings with us!
- While it’s a shame that we can’t get together in the spring for a group cleanup, there are plenty of #SoloSweep opportunities around WNY. #SoloSweep Check out our website for safety tips to get started! https://bnwaterkeeper.org/solo-sweep/
- Take a solo self-guided Buffalo Bike Tour: https://www.buffalobiketours.com/rentals
We are looking forward to being together back out on our wonderful waterways again soon!